




在bookshop.org上购买我离开厨房的收音机在阅读杰奎琳·罗斯母亲:一篇关于爱和残忍(法勒、斯特劳斯和吉劳克斯出版社出版定价,2018)为这次面试做准备。这是6月。把书一分钟得到一杯水,我听到一个新闻报道,难民妇女的孩子被从他们在美国边境。玫瑰是什么如果不是在她的思考和在这本书中,有先见之明可能尤其如此。虽然我们大多数人学习我们认为”真主安拉nachtraghlichkeit”(事后),她的心灵旅行光神奇的能力。我跟着她写发现我不会让我自己知道。也许她比大多数的领域有更多的访问前意识的。这似乎是如此。这广泛的书(玫瑰是一个模范文学评论家和女权主义理论家,所以她把来自多个知识领域在很大程度上是关于母亲和其敌人。她检查“母亲”作为能指演示它的功能库指责和厌恶女人的侵略。这本书的《暮光之城》的消息,并热心提示女性宗教权利:当心崇拜孕产妇的背后往往隐藏着某种很腐败。罗斯认为,母亲不能赢得失去,但仍难以置信地赋予交付不可能:永无止境的幸福和安全。“一个简单的观点,”她写道,“指南这本书:母亲,在西方话语,这个地方在我们的文化中,我们…埋葬自己的冲突的现实,什么是完整的人。“完整的人包括在需要帮助的时候,没有经常和感觉笨重的恨。(她的母亲的厌恶和否定章可恨的情感和社会影响的否定是值得的价格书。) I have the urge to offer an example from the social realm to make clear what Rose is getting at throughout this text—if only because I found myself fogging over at times while reading. My hazy response I believe relates to my resistance to the topic. Hearkening back to Adrienne Rich’s出生的女人(另一个强大的书,使我经常漂移),玫瑰敢看母亲作为一个机构,撤消归化权的核心。想到的例子来自克里斯汀卢克的难以置信可疑的概念揭穿一直的想法(看到克林顿政府,社会安全网)大约1996年洗劫,青少年怀孕造成了贫困。卢克认为,真理更接近相反:青少年贫困可能产生青少年怀孕,贫困可以取消抵押品赎回权的道路到成年,离开母亲作为最后的手段。可怜的少女不携带术语和可怜的少女成为母亲占据相同的经济阶层十年。不是怀孕,而是伤害了自己人生的机会,经济政策是有罪的。然而,青少年母亲,替罪羊,一直被隐藏的计划经济不平等;真相,,被埋在年轻女性的肉体。作为我们的丑陋的夏天穿,我重读这本书,进一步准备面试,除了花时间在咨询室,做我做的事:听病人在自己精心制作的。这些显而易见的心理使她的生活充斥着大量的关于母亲的话。国家进一步明显,临时工飙升,弗洛伊德关于否定女性作为基石的格言在美国被有力地强化了。7月和8月每日提供机会见证勇士提供道歉性恐吓和攻击,大多数每个行业的女同事。 Motherhood is nothing if not the sine qua non of femininity. And Rose unflinchingly discusses its repudiation, delineating the dark hearts of those who seek to punish mothers for falling short of fantasies of perfection, thusly laying the world’s problems at their feet. She asks, tout court, what makes us think mothers are better people than anyone else? Where does this demand come from? Looking at the present and the past, she poses “ur” questions from various points of view: what do we expect of mothers, what do our expectations do to mothers, and how do we set them up to fail? Why do we refuse to accept, in the words of Melanie Klein as quoted by Rose, that, “Even the most loving mother cannot satisfy the infant’s most powerful emotional needs”? Klein’s words were published in 1963, the very-same year the birth control pill became available in America, opening doors for women to enter the workforce in record numbers by giving women a chance to control whether or when to have a child. I am writing on the eve of the vote that will likely place Brett Kavanaugh, a man accused of sexual assault, a man who thinks of birth control as an abortafacient, onto the Supreme Court. In a moment where public ills are deemed private problems, and women’s bodies are arousing powerful public anxieties, this book is a terribly important read.





特雷西·d·摩根:精神分析学家,LCSW-R M.Phil。、编辑、新书在精神分析


