




在bookshop.org上购买 约翰Launer性与生存:萨宾娜·斯皮尔林的生活和思想(《俯瞰达克沃斯出版社》,2014)成功地取代了你脑海中凯拉·奈特利和迈克尔·法斯宾德的形象(考虑到视觉图像的力量,这绝非易事)明目张胆.如果你对这个说法没有印象,也许你可以认为自己很幸运。以下是一些令人眼花缭乱的事实:萨宾娜·斯皮勒林是弗洛伊德核心圈子的第一位女性成员。作为一名年轻的俄罗斯妇女,她来自一个显赫的、受过教育的、混乱的犹太家庭,她生病了,在苏黎世的Burghozli医院接受精神疾病治疗。在那里,她开始康复,并开始研究心灵。在恢复了情绪平衡后,她上了医学院。她在1912年写了一篇论文,论证了死亡本能的存在,比弗洛伊德在这方面的研究早了8年。她发展出的与儿童打交道的方法也早于安娜·弗洛伊德或梅勒妮·克莱因的思想。她的论文是关于精神分裂症的语言。她把进化论的观点和精神分析的观点结合在一起。 She was interested in sex and sexuality. She treated Jean Piaget. She worked with Vygotsky. She was involved with the project under Trotsky to link communism with psychoanalysis. She endeavored to mend the rift between Freud and Jung. She was killed by the Nazi regime. Her life resembles a nodal point; she stood at the crossroads of extraordinary changes in world politics and psychoanalysis. She was not necessarily happy. She wrote in ways that could hide her strong points of view. She was on the scene yet left almost no footprint. She was a person with breakdown knowledge who became an analyst. She was with people, working, and yet she comes off as solitary. I have written all of this and not mentioned she had a youthful affair and fascination with Carl Jung. Why do I not lead with this story you may ask? After all that is the story we all know if we know anything about her. But given what has been detailed above, a life with many contours, doesnʼt the young adult dalliance with Jung seem more or less a footnote? Launerʼs book definitively shifts the sequestration of Spielrein as the lover of Carl Jung. Her infatuation with Jung (it was of such short duration, and yes it involved a boundary violation--she was his student at university and his research assistant) became so important to some within psychoanalysis and the culture that it seemed to function symptomatically. Articles have been written wondering if they did or did not have sex (by which is meant penetration), was she his patient, was this a boundary violation, and so forth. Launer himself admits he considered her to be a kind of relic, bearing a significant name that had been emptied of significance. His research reveals the complex and exciting truth about a person who had become the psychoanalytic equivalent of an urban myth. She was hiding in plain sight. Of greatest interest to me is to wonder what unconscious fantasies were served by the fixation upon her as an object of exchange between Freud and Jung, and as an analysand (she was not actually analysed by Jung except in informal conversations which she protested about) whose analysis was undone by her sexual desire for her analyst? Given how much had to be overlooked about her actual life to support this limited tale, maybe she had to function as a kind of dream come true. Watch out for what you wish for.






