




在bookshop.org上购买在他第二次参观精神分析新书时,克里斯托弗Bollas阐明了他对精神分裂症的思考。但他做的还不止这些;因为他作为一名临床医生的开始与精神病的治疗紧密地交织在一起,这种早期接触的方式为他所有的临床思想提供了明显的色彩。事实上,在精神分析中,我们可以说有两种临床医生——治疗精神病的和不治疗精神病的。波拉斯显然属于前者。考虑到精神病在他的理论工作中的中心地位,如果他不是从最原始的人类经验开始,他会被精神分析工作所吸引吗?我们认识他时,他是加州大学伯克利分校的一名本科生,学习历史,在一个针对自闭症和精神病儿童的项目工作,大概是为了支付账单。我们跟随他来到纽约州立大学布法罗分校,在那里攻读文学博士学位时,他在自己的课堂上遇到了精神病学生,他穿过校园来到诊所,询问他是否可以在那里担任临床医生,并被带到了那里。(那些日子……)值得注意的是,波拉斯是精神分析领域最著名的思想家之一,一开始是一名非专业从业者(他有一个MSW,我猜他是为了在这个国家行医而获得的)。 His longing for a clinical life, pursued while completing his studies in the humanities, seems to have been piqued by his encounters with psychosis. While Bollas is one of the profession's strongest critics of the medicalization of psychosis, he always works with a team that includes an MD, a social worker and others when treating schizophrenia. His role on the team is to help the person suffering from psychosis to talk and also, crucially, to historicize. (Interestingly, the book includes a chapter that shows him at work as an American historian.) He reminds us that seeing psychosis as "other" places those who begin to have nascent-to-florid psychotic experiences at ever greater risk of being lost to us and to themselves, forever. He minces no words as he argues on behalf of the psychotic persons need for speech. "We all know the wisdom of talking. In trouble, we turn to another. Being listened to inevitably generates new perspective, and the help we get lies not only in what is said but in that human connection intrinsic to the therapeutic process of talking that promotes unconscious thinking." Indeed the barrage of medications on offer alongside treatment modalities that give short shrift to speech, run the risk of increasing isolation and blurring the mind which in turn increases psychosis. As is his wont, Bollas turns common treatment logic on its head: "the loss of un-selfconscious participation in the everyday ...constitutes the gravest tragedy for the adult schizophrenic." There is a way back, he argues, but, and here I riff on his thinking, only if the culture comes to understand anew what it means to be human.







