关于Michael Johnston

迈克尔·约翰斯顿(Michael O. Johnston)是威廉·佩恩大学社会学助理教授。他在瓦尔登大学获得公共管理博士学位。他用庆祝活动和节日作为镜头来捕捉身体和场所的社会学。他利用当地报纸和在线视频的媒体表现来了解人们分享的当地历史和文化,并将其融入到他们的地方和身份的构建中。他的书《拔河节上的地方和身份的社区媒体表现》(列克星敦,2022年)讲述了每年在爱荷华州和伊利诺伊州之间举行的州际拔河节的媒体表现。州际拖船节是作为一种娱乐活动而成立的,它也推动了这两个城市的经济增长。拔河节被发现与环境、经济、地方政治和身体政治(特别是男性和年轻人)有关。他最近还出版了《女王和她的皇家宫廷:在郁金香女王选美上做性别的内容分析》(2020年)。这是对10年来郁金香女王和皇室随从与当地新闻媒体分享的采访回应的内容分析。这篇文章详细介绍了社会、文化和经济资本在成为郁金香皇后或作为王室成员的皇家随从方面的重要意义。 The article, however, does not completely dismiss the tulip pageant as a tragic event that is in need of being cancelled. The findings of this study also show the positive outcomes for the girls who are part of the tulip pageant. The culmination of this article is an argument that celebrations and festivals (like Tulip Time Festival and Tulip Queen Pageant) are critical to the culture of cities and their heritage. The findings of this study recommend that stakeholders and residents of communities that host annual festivals must acknowledge and bring change to the exclusionary practices that have become part of their celebration.



