
Jay Shifman是一个开放的书。脆弱的讲故事和stigma-destroying议长,播客,和事件主机,周杰伦的斗争是熟悉的故事,全世界数百万的人也与心理健康问题的斗争,物质滥用和成瘾。两个过量,过量的幸存者现在在长期的复苏,这是周杰伦的任务鼓励困难的对话和诚实的教育有关这些以及类似的斗争。周杰伦他的公司成立,选择你的斗争,在2015年与两个不同的目标;结束耻辱和确保那些斗争得到应有的帮助。信奉激进诚实和复苏一个简单的事实,既不挣扎,也不应该被视为一种万能的经验,周杰伦用他的声音,和他的平台,教育,娱乐和授权。想让这些谈话更容易,周杰伦在2020年初推出播客的选择你的斗争。在很短的时间,选择你的斗争已经在世界范围内的最高价格下跌0收听率,破解了众多顶级列表和可敬的排名。节目结合了脆弱的故事和专家教育心理健康的话题,物质滥用和复苏,吸毒和政策。过去的客人包括前congressmember凯蒂·希尔,著名作家约翰•Hudak和格雷格Clunis和倡导者泰宣,伊丽莎白Mckissick,米歇尔不效。 An accomplished orator in his own right, Jay has numerous speaking and storytelling events to his name. He prides himself on his practiced approach of drawing in the listener while discussing hard topics in a way that puts a human face on struggles that we often discuss in a dehumanizing way. Not content with only one platform, in 2021 Jay began producing two narrative event series, Rock Bottom Storytellers and A Day in the Life, which give voice to shared experiences, normalize discussing periods of struggle, and seek to build community around our shared cultural love of a good story! Both events are currently virtual with the hope that in a post-covid world they can be produced for a stage near you! Holding a BA in Psychology from Northern Kentucky University and with over a decade of lived and professional experience in the field, Jay has put in numerous hours of independent learning acquiring certifications in mental health, substance misuse and addiction, and drug policy. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Lauren, and their dog, Nell. For more information, visit: https://jay.campsite.bio/ or find him on your favorite social media platform.

Jay Shifman是一个脆弱的说书人,stigma-destroying演说家,的创始人选择你的斗争播客。一个人在长期的复苏,杰致力于结束歧视和促进基于事实的教育心理健康,物质滥用和复苏,吸毒和政策。您可以了解更多关于周杰伦在他的链接在这里


